Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? Great! Hopefully I can answer some of them below for you.

What is hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing is antenatal education based on science and logic. It teaches you how the body and mind work together during labour and birth, and how to enable them to work together in a way that supports a positive birth experience. Being informed will enable you to feel confident and empowered to birth your baby and make decisions leading up to, during and after your baby's birth. 

How long does it take to do a hypnobirthing course?

The course is between 9 and 10 hours. However the most important part of the learning process takes part outside of the course because this is when you practice. It is important that you take the information given to you in the course and practice your breathing exercises and relaxations in your own time to achieve a deep level of relaxation and to condition the mind and body.

The course can be split over 2, 3 or 4 sessions. We can have a chat and agree on times and dates that work for us both.

Where do hypnobirthing classes take place?

It depends on which course you are doing, but they often take place at my house in Swansea. I have a calm and comfortable space for you to feel relaxed and 'at home' in. If we are at my house, I will be sure to keep you hydrated and settle any cravings with complimentary drinks and snacks. I will of course cater to any dietary requirements too. If our session is longer and runs over a lunch period, I will ask you to bring along a packed lunch.

When should I start to practice hypnobirthing?

Whenever you feel ready to! The earlier you start, the more time there is to practice. Most people do the course when they are between 20 and 35 weeks pregnant.

Do I need a birth partner or can I do hypnobirthing on my own?

Having a birth partner by your side for support and advocacy during labour and birth can make a huge different to your sense of safety and ability to relax. You can take the course without anyone with you, but I do encourage you to have someone if you can during classes and during labour. It can be a partner, friend, family member or doula. 

I understand sometimes life happens and birth partners can not be present. Please consider that the course can always take place online.

What is the cost of a hypnobirthing course?

The one to one course is £250. 

My partner is skeptical - how can I convince him?

Tell him that mine was too - and now he is a huge advocate for it!

In all seriousness, it is normal to feel a little skeptical. I often find that it is the 'hypno' part that scares people off. Just bare in mind that we are all in hypnotic states every day - it is simply a form of deep relaxation. We need to be deeply relaxed in order to access our subconscious mind and change our negative perceptions of birth which are often there because of dramatised birth programmes and negative birth stories which have been engrained in our minds.

It is also important to consider that hypnobirthing was established in America in 1989, which is just over 30 years ago. There was a lot of background research done before it was established but you will often find that generations before us have not heard of it and therefore question it. We are much more educated now, and there has been much more research done on labour, birth and the body. So let's use this new research to help us positive experiences we can share with our children one day!

If you want to hear how hypnobirthing has helped some of my clients already, you can read their testimonials HERE.